Sunday, July 12, 2020

Seriously Funny by Janette Rallison Class Notes

Janette Rallison is seriously funny. I love her books and her witty humor.
(I'll post a few of her books that I love at the end of this post!)

One big take away from her class for me was this tidbit: SAVE the funny until the END of the sentence. I'm going to add that idea to my list of things to do when I'm editing.

Humor Principals:
  1. Humor is universal
  2. Humor is about surprise
    1. Jokes that end with a twist
    2. A lot of humor comes from dashed expectations
  3. Humor is based on truth--exaggerated but based on truth
  4. Understatements can also provide humor
  5. We laugh about the negative things in life
    1. Bad days are always funnier than good days
  6. We laugh we we feel superior
  7. Humor in novels starts with the narrator's voice
  8. It's the characters reaction that makes something funny
  9. Use the rule of three
  10. We laugh at a play on word

Check out some of Janette's books:

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Writer Website in A Weekend