Monday, July 29, 2019

The Magical Muse by Jennifer Nielsen

To say Jennifer A. Nielsen is amazing is a HUGE understatement. There are so many positive adjectives I can use to describe her! It would take up this whole post. She's an influencer, teacher, writer, friend, listener, centered, true-to-self, best friend anyone would beg to have. She's kind, sweet, funny, smart, insightful, witty...did I say amazing yet?
(I know, I know, fan girl much?)(I truly want to be Jen when I grow up).
When you're with her and talking to her, she is laser-focused on you and you alone. She proved to be the one with sound advice for a friend in need over the weekend.

We learned a lot about being creative!

First, ask yourself:
Where am I creative?

WATER is the #1 element to creativity.
WHY Water?
It supports the body, so the body relaxes and the brain relaxes and creates a cocoon.
The relaxed brain creates DOPAMINE, which creates peace in us.
(I was totally skeptical about this. I mean, when will I get to a waterfall or sit in a hot tub?? The next morning I was thinking about a hole in my plot while I was showering and BAM! The thought came and I solved the problem!).

BLANK page
Staring at a blank page works. Most ideas being with a single spark. Only you can grab it.

COLLECT stupid facts
Did you know there is a DOG MAYOR? And he's won THREE times?

LISTEN to music and pick up on lyrics

ASK what if? What if that happened? Or he said that? Or she did this?

MAKE up back stories to other stories or to strangers you meet. Why does that guy keep looking at pictures of the same girl, over and over again? For the two hour flight?

LOOK for details. Why is he carrying yellow roses?

COME up with more than one plot point...come up with at least 5.
SET limitations on your characters (limitations are the mother of creativity).
PLAN your incubation period. ⇨ WRITE down your questions you have about your plot, character, etc and go about your day. You've given your subconscious brain a task and it will answer your questions.

TRUST your imagination! You're in the right place!

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Writer Website in A Weekend

Writer Website in A Weekend