Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Goals, Chronic Fatigue and Snow

What do goals, writing, children and snow have in common? 
My life. 

I've set my goals.
I wish I were writing.
A three day weekend=lots of play, no writing.
The snow is beautiful and sparkly. 

Two of my goals: 
Write/edit at least five days a week. I take Sundays off to let my poor brain rest. This also gives me a day to step away from my manuscript, giving me a fresh pair of writerly eyes when I come back.

My writing goal brings me to my second goal. 
I need to work out at least five days a week. Because of Butt-in-Chair-itis, my backside is becoming an unattractive flat shape. Not only that, I've found, for myself, that exercise helps get the creativity churning and feeling happier. 

Some days I'm so tired I can't get any writing done, my brain just won't function correctly. Chronic fatigue tends to do that. On those days, I try and catch up on my reading. So far this year I have read 29 (twenty-nine) books. Phew!

Our three day weekend involved a trip to Midway, tennis, shopping and sleeping. It was a fun, low key weekend. I only got one page edited while most of the family went to play tennis but that's okay because my expectations were low for writing over the weekend.

And today! Today my favorite type of snowflakes fell from the sky. You know those big, fluffy flakes that seem to muffle the world and let you just enjoy Mother Nature's show? I love those wintery moments. But now the sun is out and the snow is glittering. I think I'll edit right here by the windows looking out on snow mountains while the fireplace is blazing.

I leave you with chocolate...

Have a good week! 


Neurotic Workaholic said...

Oh that chocolate heart looks sooo good. I wish I could work out five times a week, though I usually only manage to do 3-4 workouts every week. You're right that exercise makes you feel happier; I often don't feel like going to the gym, but I usually feel better after I've worked out.

Taffy said...

You're right about getting out the door to gym! It's hard, but once I'm there I'm glad I went.

Writer Website in A Weekend

Writer Website in A Weekend