How did you find out about the Beehive Award nomination?
A friend sent me the link announcing the nominees. I had no idea whatsoever that the nominations for next year's awards had happened because I've been excited for my author friend, Bobbie Pyron, whose book (A DOG'S WAY HOME) is being voted on right now for this year's Beehive Book Awards!
How did/do you feel?
I was so, so, so excited! After telling my husband and daughter (using my high, squeaky excited voice), I forwarded the link to my agent, editor, and all my extended family. It was fun to see my book listed amongst all those notable books, but then I quickly realized, "Oh, dear. I should celebrate now and not wait until the votes are counted!"
Give us your elevator pitch.
In HOW TO BABYSIT A GRANDPA, a four-year old boy thinks he's babysitting his grandpa although the reader is in on the joke. The "babysitter" shares tips on taking care of a grandpa, like: snacks for a grandpa, how to entertain a grandpa, what to draw for a grandpa, what to do when you see a puddle, how to have Grandpa take a nap and then, of course, how to wake him up. The hardest part of the day? Goodbye time. But fortunately, there are tips for how to say goodbye.
BTW: HOW TO BABYSIT A GRANDMA will be published the fall of 2014 with the same delightful illustrator, Lee Wildish.
What's your favorite snack?
Toast with homemade (by my daughter) apple butter. The apples are homegrown, too!
What do you never leave home without?
In the summer, the answer is easy: bear spray. My husband and I are wilderness volunteer rangers in Grand Teton National Park. I don't even go to our outhouse without bear spray. During the rest of the year when we live in Salt Lake City, I never leave home without my cellphone. (Boring, huh?)
Do you have any pets?
We have a cat named Marley who thinks she's a dog. When someone rings the door bell, she beelines to check out who is there. But, nope, she doesn't bark.
Recently a friend commented, "Wow, your kitty sure doesn't miss a meal," so now we've put Marley on a diet. Her disposition has soured a bit as a result.
Do have a favorite getaway?
Backpacking in the Sierras. It is so unbelievably beautiful.
What is one piece of advice you would give aspiring writers?
Join a critique group. Truth be told, my critique groups help me so much that they should all be listed as co-authors on my books and magazine stories.
Another piece of advice is to celebrate every step along the way: beginnings, completions, submissions, small accolades, and even those darn, inevitable rejections.
What are your goals for 2013?
I just sent a board book manuscript to my agent. My goal is to sell it in 2013, fingers crossed!
Please feel free to visit my website to learn more about me, my books, and my summer "gig" in the Tetons.
What a fun premise for a book! Great interview!
So excited she won! I loved this book and voted for it, too!
Taffy, I've been getting your emails through utah children's writers for a while now, and I'm now trying to get better at visiting local bloggers as I enter that community. Love your website and plan to keep visiting!
Tabitha Thompson
Thanks for popping over, ladies!
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