What is the working title of your book?
Where did the idea come from?
I had writers block but wanted to keep writing every day. There was an online writing blog that encouraged daily writing. So I decided to try that until I could get back to work on my other project. I just wrote and wrote without thinking and this story came out. I didn't plan it at all.
What genre does your book fall under?
Young Adult Psychological Thriller. I compare it to FORGOTTEN meets I’M NOT A SERIAL KILLER.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie?
My critique group thinks Summer Glau reminds them of my main character, Angelica Savage.
The love interest reminds me of Prince Caspian:
What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
Seventeen year-old Angelica remembers nothing about the deaths of her nine best friends, even though she was there for each of them.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I had an agent ask for the full manuscript, which I hope to turn in by the end of October.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Haha! Still writing the first draft while I'm editing. Yikes!
What else about your book would pique the reader's interest?
Did Angelica kill her friends? What does she really remember?
Thanks, Jessie! That was fun. Anyone else want to do this? Let me know in the comments if you post and I'll come visit!
That is a cool meme! I like your one-line hook, nice! And Prince Caspian as the love interest seems fitting! I already did kinda pictured someone like that.
Thanks, Julie. It was fun to do. You totally helped me with the one line!
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