I've won a couple of contests recently. I don't usually post them here but I really should! And I should add links back to the blogs that give me prizes, like today! I won $25 GC to amazon.com for winning Rashelle's First Sentence Contest.
Here is my entry:
"He glanced around, careful not to move his head too quickly, and saw the newest victim."
Then I received two blog awards from Melanie over on Meanderings of Melanie Sherman.
She gave me the Versatile Blogger Award AND One Lovely Blog Award!
First, the Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award to all the bloggers* who you have recently discovered and who think you are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
7 things about me, Taffy:
1. I rarely get taffy candy for birthdays or Christmas and I've only made the stuff ONCE.
2. My husband's mascot is a rabbit. Are you scared? We decided it was the one from Monty Python and the Holy Grail...
3. I like it when my neighbor bakes too many desserts and has to give them to me.
4. The first sentence from the contest is from a YA sci-fi I'm finishing.
5. I talk my kids into going to the pool at least three times a week then blame them for the time I waste reading by the pool.
6. I love dark chocolate, tootsie pops and starfruit juice.
7. There are seriously not this many intersting thing about me.

On to the next blog award:
One Lovely Blog Award
Thanks again, Melanie!
1.Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and her/his blog.
2. Pass the award to 8 other blogs* that you've newly discovered.
3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I'm giving both awards to the following bloggers:
A No. 2 Pencil Stat!: I like to read Rashelle's post and enter her contests!
Cindy Beck: She always has fun thoughts, quotes and stories. The best stories are about her pets...
Joyce DiPastena: Joyce has awesome summer contests!
InkSplasher: Karlene is finishing up a fun virtual road trip to and from Forks. She also has many side internet businesses like perfume (many inspired by Twilight).
Sarah M. Eden: Funnnnny girl! Check out her 'I Need Friends Friday.' (Now if she would only answer the interview questions I sent her...)
Notes From the Writing Chair: Angie is one of the nicest people you'll meet!
Shannon Whitney Messenger: Her blog is lively and fun and funny and she gives away cool stuff.
Myth-Takes: Danyelle has some witty posts on this blog!
*I think the original rules were to give away to 15 bloggers or 8, so I choose eight because I've got to get packed for Girls Camp!
Have any suggestions on blogs you LOVE?
Leave them in the comments so we can all share!
Thank you, Taffy. I appreciate the awards! I like the list of things about you. Have a super fun time at girl's camp. And congrats on the first sentence win. That is an awesome first sentence.
Thanks, Taffy, for the awards. That's so sweet of you! Big congrats on winning the first sentence contest. Wow, what a great sentence it is, too!
Aw. *blushes* Thank you so much. I feel so honored!
Thank you so much for the fun awards, Taffy!
Thank you so much for the awards!!! Sorry I've been soooo pokey. You are such a sweetie Taffy!!!
Thank you, Taffy! Sorry this is so late, I just found your comment. Thanks for brightening my day! :D
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