Friday, January 8, 2010

Contests, Writing Contests, And Bonbons

Finding yourself with too much time on your hands lately?
Tired of soaps and bonbons?

Here are a few contests and writing contests to keep you busy:

Write a Book of Mormon Short Story! Doesn't that sound fun? This idea is fantastic, so turn off the soaps and head over to LDSPublisher!

Win an autographed copy of Melinda and the Wild West by Linda Weaver Clark at Suko's Notebook.

On Shooting Stars blog win a query letter critique, a 5 page critiques OR an autographed The Dark Divine by Bree Despain.

Anne Bradshaw is giving away a copy of Second Chances by Linda Chadwick.

Good luck everyone!
Now go eat a bonbon :)


Peggy said...

I was just saying to myself, "Self, you need to find something to do other than watch soaps and eat bon bons."

:) Thanks for the contest updates!

Taffy said...

Peggy, I love that you stop by!

Heidi said...

Did I win a copy of Loyalty's Web from you back in October or November? Did I send you my address? I can't remember anything anymore . . .

Writer Website in A Weekend

Writer Website in A Weekend