Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The West Beckons

I won 3rd place in Poetry in the Oquirrh Writers Contest.

Here is the piece I entered:

The West!

The cry echoed

Off mountains

And meadows

And streams

The West!

Came the shout

From thunder

And lightening

And gods

The West!

The wind whispered

As thousands poured

Through the rocky gates

Full of dreams


Peggy said...

Wow-- nice! Congratulations!!!

Valerie Ipson said...

It's beautiful! I love it.

ali cross said...

That is a great poem Congratulations on your win!

Cathy said...

The words are inspiring, go Taffy.

Taffy said...

Thanks again Ladies!

Cindy Beck, author said...

Ooo, very nice! Congrats on winning.

Writer Website in A Weekend

Writer Website in A Weekend