Friday, April 17, 2009

Diamante Poem

Fuzzy, small
Inching, eating, fattening,
Small, green--colorful graceful
Cocooning, growing, dreaming
Bright, in flight

A diamante poem consists of:

1st Line: subject

2nd Line: two adjectives describing the subject

3rd Line: three words ending in "ing" telling about the subject

4th Line: four words, the first two describe the subject the last two describe its opposite

5th Line: three words ending in "ing" telling about the opposite

6th Line: two adjectives describing the opposite

7th Line: opposite

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Taffy,

Congratulations! You're the winner of this week's contest on my blog at Not Entirely British :-)

Please go to my website contact page HERE and send me your address, which I can forward to Guy Hedderwick so he can mail you the prize.

Thanks so much for taking part and going the extra mile with your Tweet.

Writer Website in A Weekend

Writer Website in A Weekend