Wednesday, January 8, 2020

2020 goals --- What are yours?

I can't believe this year, 2019, is almost over. As I've looked back over the past twelve months, I've found I've done a lot of good, wished I had more time to do better and did some things I didn't know I would.

As I've worked on goals that I want to do in the coming year, 2020, I've first asked myself "What am I already doing?" and that has made a world of difference in how I perceive myself and accomplishments. Because I do have a ton of accomplishments! This is part of goal-making that I'm aren't great at and I'm going to change.

Another surprise discovery for me was learning how I work on goals. When I feel like I've failed or can't make a deadline, I tend to give up and move one, which is fine, but I think I've found a better way for me. TWEAK. Not to be confused with twerk.

I'm writing my goals in pencil and tweaking them as I make my way through 2020. That way, if my schedule changes, or I get sick (like I am right now!) or family dynamics cause a shift, I can tweak my goals to fit what I need. That way, I don't give up on my vision.

Speaking of you make a vision board?? I'm thinking about one this year.

This year I want to be a better friend, mother and sister through listening better (sounds easy, but I tend to get lazy so I'm thinking of reaching out with texts, one-on-one dates and calls)
This year I want to be in better shape through lifting weights and certain dietary restrictions (apparently, tomatoes hate me).
I'm going to read more nonfiction books (got over 70 suggestions on FB!). 
This year I want to have five novels ready to self pub.

I have three novels written; two need edits.
I have two novels half way written.
That makes FIVE!

We can do this! We can make our dreams come true!

What about you?
What have you discovered about yourself?

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Writer Website in A Weekend

Writer Website in A Weekend